Energy-saving principle and installation essentials of energy-saving lamps

Energy-saving principle of energy-saving lamps <br> Energy-saving lamps operate on the principle of gas discharge. Its name is called self-ballasted fluorescent lamps. In addition to white (cold light), there are still yellow (warm light). In general, under the same wattage, an energy-saving lamp is 80% more energy efficient than an incandescent lamp, with an average life expectancy of 8 times and a thermal radiation of only 20%. In the non-strict case, a 5 watt energy-saving lamp can be regarded as an incandescent lamp equal to 25 watts, a 7-watt energy-saving lamp is about 40 watts, and a 9-watt is equivalent to 60 watts.
Energy-saving lamps are also called compact fluorescent lamps (referred to as CFL lamps in foreign countries). It was first invented by foreign manufacturers in 1978.



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