Should second-hand household appliances market be cancelled?

Should second-hand household appliances market be cancelled? NPC deputy and Gree Group Dong Mingzhu said that the dismantling of old and discarded household appliances is a very big project, and now the old household appliances in the hands of many consumers are not recycled by formal channels, but flow to the second-hand household appliances market, and then flow to other consumers after packaging. At home, this actually worsens the hidden dangers.

Therefore, she proposes to abolish the second-hand household appliance market. This will not only ensure the safety of consumers, but also stimulate the domestic demand for the economy. At the same time, she also suggests adding a "shelf life" to home appliances because the actual energy consumption will increase when the product ages, and if it is replaced with new ones, it will reduce energy consumption. If there is a problem outside the “shelf life” of the home appliance product, the individual consumer needs to bear it, so as to warn the consumer to pay attention to the “shelf life” of the home appliance product.

The second-hand home appliance market is formed like the first chicken and then the egg. The existence of the second-hand household appliances market has provided great convenience to many renters or families with limited income. If they are canceled, it will certainly bring great inconvenience to this group of people. The value of the second-hand home appliance market continues to exist.

First, where does the waste electrical appliances go?

They walk down the street to purchase used electrical appliances and sell them to recycling merchants. Each can earn 30 yuan. After they buy used electrical appliances, they remove, reload, and sell them, earning 20 yuan each; they earn a lot, and that One station has potential safety hazards for second-hand electrical appliances, and it has been repeatedly circulating in residential areas until one day, unfortunately, "self-ignition" ... riding a battery car, a tape recorder, wandering the streets. "Color TV sets, refrigerators, air conditioners, computers, washing machines ... ..." I believe we are all very familiar with. The old boss who rides a battery car can be said to be a small forward who recycles used electrical appliances.

In addition to the old-fashioned collection point of old-fashioned tricycles, large and small electric appliances can also be found in mixed markets, and the collection points are concentrated in densely populated markets. The shop entrance was full of waste picture tubes and TV motherboards. Abandoned broken wires were scattered all over the place. In the store, two staff members are busy disassembling the computer. What the shop does is to deal with the processing business. The main mode of production is the “re-assembly” of waste TV. The old color TV's use of a lot of places: better color TV can be sold directly. Resell to some secondhand wholesalers. If the color TV housing is worn out, then the store can be "dressed." The shop entered some color TV enclosures and new circuit boards. The kinescope can be retrofitted after polishing.

In December 2009, the state launched the “renewal trade” policy for household appliances. If you purchase a TV set in a regular mall, you can participate in the trade-in program and get a subsidy of up to RMB 400, which is much higher than the market price. In the eyes of people in the industry, this will undoubtedly create a formal treatment for waste electrical appliances with potential safety hazards. However, all kinds of irregularities in the "replacement of old ones" still allow waste electrical appliances to "dwell out" in residential areas.

Second, the hidden dangers of second-hand appliances such as time bombs According to reports, this year an 85-year-old old woman was watching TV at home, the TV suddenly caught fire. According to the old lady's memories, when she was watching TV, the TV suddenly flashed, and suddenly, the white smoke appeared on the back cover of the TV. When the old woman wondered, the TV suddenly caught fire. Granny's small room was burned, but fortunately she cut off her power supply and escaped. The accident caused no casualties.

According to informed sources, Laotai TV has a long time of use and is a product produced by regular manufacturers. The cause of the fire was suspected to be caused by the ignition of the ignition coil. The old woman and her daughter-in-law lived. When the children were working at work, the old people liked to relax on the TV.

The author learned that TV accidents are frequent and that once a TV set catches fire, it becomes “irresistible”. In September of this year, a family member caught fire at home, and the fire was suspected to be caused by the aging of the television. In April of last year, a family member suddenly caught fire and the fire burned the room.

The author observed that most of these fires occurred in old-fashioned communities, or only elderly people living alone at home. The television is generally a CRT (CRT color TV). The use of time may not be very long, some more than 10 years, some color TV only 4 years.

TV technicians said: The cause of the ignition of older TVs is often the shedding of small parts on the motherboard. This small part allows the other parts of the motherboard to take on excessive voltage, causing the motherboard to catch fire. There are two major reasons for the loss of the motherboard components: first, the use of the television, and second, the quality of the part itself.

Regular television sets undergo a series of tests before leaving the factory. Including high pressure test, vibration test, etc. to assess the impact of temperature on the machine. For the repair of electrical appliances, regular manufacturers will follow the standard to ensure "no leakage, resistance insulation, fire protection, and accident prevention" to ensure that the current is less than 50 mA. "To repair a television is not only to make it work, but also to ensure its safety factor."

The second-hand home appliances converted from used electrical appliances have their own service life for a certain period of time. Continued use and accelerated aging can easily cause fires. Nowadays, there are serious hidden dangers in the quality of motherboards in the assembly machine of the second-hand market. "Even if they are using new boards and they have not been tested for safety, they have very poor insulation properties and may cause fires."

Frequent fires of second-hand home appliances Each year, there are more than 50 million old home appliances in China. Except for a small part of the recycling, some household appliances are directly refurbished and re-enter the market. There are several such flea markets in Beijing alone. In September and October, It is the peak period for students returning from school and migrant workers returning to the city. Coupled with people who are on the rise of work and careers, the people living in such rental housing are the main consumers of second-hand household appliances. They do not know that overdue use of second-hand household appliances. There are many security risks.

Home appliances have a safe lifespan. As early as in 2009, the country launched the “General Requirements for the Use of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances for Safe Use and Recycling,” and stipulated the useful life of various types of household appliances. Consumers are buying second-hand appliances. Be sure to look carefully at the product date on the product nameplate. The following is attached with the useful life of some common home appliances:

Useful life of home appliances Refer to using overage or refitting appliances as if installing a home time bomb.

Third, second-hand home appliances consume large energy, it is recommended to increase "shelf life"

After the aging of home appliances, the actual energy consumption will increase. If it is replaced with new ones, it will reduce energy consumption. Dong Mingzhu also suggested adding a "shelf life period" to home appliances. If there is a problem outside the “shelf life” of the home appliance product, the individual consumer needs to bear it, so as to warn the consumer to pay attention to the “shelf life” of the home appliance product.

Over-age appliances have high energy consumption, and are easy to consume electricity and water. According to the survey, over-age appliances consume 30% to 40% more energy than energy-saving products. After 10 years of use, the refrigerator consumes twice as much electricity as when it was first used. If the water heater is used in excess of age, the power consumption is often 1.2 times under normal circumstances.

Second, the performance of over-age appliances deteriorated. If the washing machine is over-aged, it is easy to wear and distort the clothing. When the television is used for a long time, the brightness of the screen is not enough and the image appears a pattern. The refrigerator is too old and the function of sterilization and preservation has been seriously degraded, which may lead to a large number of bacteria, food odors and even deterioration.

Finally, some overage appliances will affect human health. In the period of safe use of household appliances, their radiation is relatively safe, and when they are out of service, their radiation value tends to increase over time. Even the refurbished old home appliances in the old-fashioned market are dirty, and the dust and bacteria inside many home appliances are difficult to clear for ordinary consumers.

Appliances also require shelf life for second-hand appliances that have so many problems, if the home appliances can also be like high-end consumer goods, such as cars. Cars need annual review, and they must be scrapped after a certain number of years. Then the energy consumption of home appliances will be greatly reduced, but I believe this move requires a long transition period to truly penetrate the people.

4. The cancellation of the secondary home appliance market is not in line with the national conditions. It is mentioned whether the country will abolish the secondary home appliance market. Industry experts generally believe that it will not. At present, the per capita income level in China is still at a relatively low level. Abandoning the secondary home appliance market will increase the burden of life for low-income people, which is inconsistent with the current economic situation in China. However, looking at other developed countries, there is currently no country that prohibits second-hand appliance transactions. On the contrary, the industrial chain of the second-hand household appliances market in the United States, Japan and other regions is very complete and a relatively mature market atmosphere has formed.

Industry experts pointed out that the biggest drawback of the second-hand appliance market is that the trading system is not standardized. Product quality is uneven, there is no uniform testing standards and market access threshold, but no after-sales service. The key to solving this problem lies in improving the management of used home appliances, eliminating used home appliances that exceed the useful life of the market, and ensuring the quality of second-hand home appliances circulating in the market.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, with the increase in the volume of second-hand household appliances, the relevant national authorities proposed to regulate the second-hand household appliance market. In June 2011 and August 2012, the Ministry of Commerce announced the “Management Measures for Old Electrical and Electronic Products (Consultation Draft)”, which is intended to regulate the acquisition, maintenance, refurbishment, and sales of used electrical and electronic products.

According to industry experts, regulating the secondary home appliance market requires the participation of government regulators, production companies, and operating companies. First, the government needs to provide a fair platform, set industry rules, and punitive measures. This is a prerequisite for building a healthy industry. In addition, adopting the "platform + enterprise" management model, operating companies should work with production companies to make a pre-sale appraisal of products entering the secondary market, and provide sales prices and services in accordance with unified regulations.

Regulating second-hand market behavior Even if there are many problems in the second-hand home appliance market at this stage, China's second-hand home appliance market will certainly not disappear. The second-hand home appliance market will develop in the direction of standardization. The future trading platform will be more standardized and rigorous, and there must be follow-up and after-sales on the products. With the increasing expansion of the second-hand home appliance market, its development will become more mature, and it will become an emerging force in the home appliance market, and the pattern of the home appliance market will also change.

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